Galleries > LFB - Graduation Ball - BBC - Riverside Studios - September 1960 > 16 Images
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LFB - Graduation Ball - BBC - Riverside Studios - September 1960

London Festival Ballet - Graduation Ball - BBC Riverside Studios - September 1960

RJ 699 - Diane Westerman, Jeanette Minty, Ken Suddell and Artists of the London Festival Ballet
RJ 704 Fuette competition with leg warmers. Jennifer Alderton and Jill Bathurst
RJ 705 - Belinda Wright
RJ 710 Pamela Hart and Jelko Yuresha
RJ 714
RJ 715
RJ 716
RJ 718 - Peter White and ?
RJ 720 Peter White, Cadets and the girls
RJ 723 - The Drummer Boy - Louis Godfrey
RJ 725
RJ 726 - Diane Westerman, Cadets and Girls
RJ 727 - Cadets and Diane Westerman
RJ 728 - Cadets and Peter White
RJ 730 - Girls
RJ 732 - Diane Westerman and ?
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